Learn what it REALLY takes to build a THRIVING mortgage business, doing what you LOVE, without relying on cold calling or annoying Realtors. Hosted by Doren Aldana, founder of MortgageMarketingCoach.com and several highly-acclaimed training programs, including the Client Acceleration Formula and the 7-Figure Lender Academy.

Friday May 18, 2018
How Mark Gagliardi Tripled His Income & Closings in 3 Months
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
We all have slow months, but what happens when our slow months become our new reality? What do we do when a few lost sales destroy our confidence? What are the tactics you can use to get back on track? In this episode, Mark Gagliardi speaks about his experience at the bottom of the barrel and how he changed his story-- tripling his income in 3 months.
You can do anything you want if you seriously put your mind to it. Say “This is what I want, and these are steps I need to take.” -Mark Gagliardi
- One of the signs of self-defeat is the negative inner dialogue and the justifications we have for doing a poor job.
- Once you only focus on the negatives, you suddenly don’t search for a cure anymore. You don’t believe there is a cure. You accept your situation as it is.
- Ask yourself these questions before you throw the towel: Are you resourceful? Are you about to have a breakthrough or are you compromising? Are you neglectful? Are you justifying your inertia?
- Daily visualizations and positive affirmations change the wiring in our brains, and it leads to a mindset change that will push you towards action.
In the beginning, we talked about Mark’s despair when he couldn’t make more than two sales per month, as well as his negative mindset, his inertia, and how he had no roadmap to getting out of this. We also covered his experiences with having a coach and the tactics he used to get himself out of the pit of despair, helping lift others up as well.
We shared insights on:
- Sharing your knowledge with your co-workers will make them better partners for you and better people for themselves
- Brushing off the negative thoughts leads to an increase in energy levels
- You will be more likely to be sought by clients if you are a positive person who is fun to be around
The biggest income killer is the victim mindset. When you stop your negative self-talk and you put to an end to your self-loathing, you make the switch from a victim to a victor. The key is to be in control of your life story. To wake up every day knowing you are capable of taking ownership of your life and business and to be so positive that others, including your prospects, would love to hang around you. Wake up every day with a purpose, and don’t blame anyone, not the market nor the economy. Take responsibility for your actions and don’t be afraid to seek help.

Friday May 04, 2018
How to Add UNIQUE VALUE to Realtors so They Stick with You w/Peter Fickeisen
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
The market today is more competitive than ever. In times like this, you either bring something unique to the table or lose money. But how do you go about reaching Realtors and showing them you are different? Should you call by phone or send out business cards? Who should you even be targeting? In this episode, Peter Fickeisen shares his approach to bringing unique value without spending time on the phone.
Your people won’t have confidence until you bring confidence. They won’t follow until you step up and lead the charge. -Doren Aldana
- What's the differentiating factor that will bring you referrals and long-term business?
- How can you use common ground to build relationships with Realtors?
- How can social media equip you for higher-quality outreach?
and much more!
At the beginning of this show we talked about quantity vs quality and the inefficiency of business cards and cold calls. We also talked about how Realtors are flooded with calls from loan officers, and the last thing they want is to receive another call from a complete stranger on a Saturday afternoon.
We also covered:
- How to use social media to build a psychological profile of the realtors you are targeting
- How to build a step-by-step plan when it comes to interacting with prospects
- How to maintain a long-term relationship with realtors
Many loan officers make the mistake of not knowing what kind of realtor they can provide value to. Instead, they start giving calls and sending out business cards to everyone-- often with no results. Most loan officers can do the job. What differentiates the big players from the small ones is their focus on a narrow group of people. Rather than calling a large number of agents, find out which agents are already friends of your friends. If possible, find out what hobbies they have. Look for common ground and a way to start a friendly conversation instead of sending them a pitch.
Guest Bio
Peter Fickeisen is the Director of Business Development of Luxury Mortgage and has over 14 years of experience in the mortgage banking. He ranked in the top 200 USA loan officers and top 20 in Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers severals times. His approach is to focus on building relationships with his clients that last a lifetime, rather than moving from one transaction to another.
If you want to find out more about how to transition the agents you meet from prospective partners to signed VIP partners, check out our breakthrough coaching session https://www.mortgagemarketingcoach.com/apply/

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
7 Myths that Kill Your Success as a Mortgage Pro
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Nothing holds people back in business more than the limiting beliefs they carry. How do you shift away from these misinterpretations? Is being the best at mortgage work going to make you successful? What is the right mindset to have about getting assistance and help? On this episode, I share 7 myths that you need to shatter for greater power, peace, productivity and profits.
- What are the limiting beliefs we are prone to carry without realizing it?
- How can you work "smarter", rather than harder?
- What's wrong with multi-tasking?
- and much more!
At the start of the show, I talked about how limiting beliefs and subscribing to these 7 myths will destroy your results. Next, we talked about the importance of working smarter, not harder if you really want to grow your business. We also talked about the dangers of incessant distractions, and how that makes you a beginner but not a finisher.
I also shared:
- Why being the best marketer, not mortgage professional helps you succeed
- The importance of delegation and empowerment
- Why multitasking isn’t smart
There’s a bigger mindset that plays into success and there is a better way to run your business, but you have to embrace a better mindset first. If you want more income, you don’t have to do more work. If you want to succeed you have to become a marketer first before being a mortgage professional. Remember that leverage is the key to a higher level of success and you have to think about putting policy, procedure, protocol and systems in place that underlie everything you want to get done. When you shift your mindset, success becomes inevitable.

Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Most people can only dream of having over 50 closings in a year, and our guest managed to do this in a matter of weeks! What are the components needed for this achievement to be possible? Why is mindset such a key part of this? How do you leverage your database? On this episode, Brenda Dintino-Duran shares the steps she took to close 53 deals in a month.
If you enjoy your business and you plan with purpose for that business, you’re going to be successful. - Brenda Dintino-Duran
- You want to take advantage of your database when the rates improve.
- Whatever you did 30 days ago is going to come to fruition now.
- Stop chasing now money and work on building a database.
- Cultivating positive thoughts is important in achieving success.
At the start of the show, we talked about how Brenda got into the business, and the puzzle pieces that need to be in place to achieve 53 closings in a month. Next, we talked about the importance of cultivating your database and the necessity of preparation, planning, and mindset. We also talked about the importance of laying the foundation for success and doing the hard work.
We also discussed:
- How to cultivate a purposeful mindset
- How to plan ahead for every day in your business
- The mistakes a lot of people make and how to correct them
Brenda is a blossoming example of the epic power of sustained, proactive effort in cultivating a database and having a heart to really care about the client long-term. This kind of dedication will always pay off because it puts you miles ahead of the rest of the industry. Add a positive mindse, and you will be unstoppable, iconic and successful.
Guest Bio
Brenda "The Lenda" Dintino-Duran is a branch manager at New American Funding. Find her on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/brenda.dintinoduran or LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/brenda-the-lenda-dintino-duran-b98a5112.

Thursday Mar 22, 2018
How to Put a $100M Team in Place with the Right People, in the Right Roles
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
A lot of businesses hit their ceiling because the leaders don’t want to hire and delegate tasks to other people. Why is it so important to leverage the talent and time of other people? What role should you fill first? How do you get a vision of what your dream team will look like? On this episode, I share what I’ve learned over the past 13 years about building a superstar team in your business.
It’s all about leveraging the time and talent of your team to take your freedom, income, lifestyle and leadership to another level. -Doren Aldana
- Draw out your organizational chart. It starts with having a visionary picture of what your business is going to look like when it’s complete.
- Decide that you will not accept anything less than a superstar on your team.
- If your philosophy is “It’s only done right when I do it”, you’re going to be stagnant longer than you need to be.
At the start of the show, we talked about why you need to have a team, and how it will impact your life and income. Next, we talked about the importance of looking at the your business with the end in sight, and how not hiring an admin person will keep your business stagnant.
We also discussed:
- How to attract superstars
- Why people wait too long to hire people
- Why you will need an appointment setter
- How to add operational staff to your business
If you want to have a business that sets you free, something that gives you optimal lifestyle, income and leverage and something more scalable and valuable, you want to dial in a team and dial in systems. If you want to start building your team, cast your vision on your end goal. Look at your business as if it’s already complete, and think of the kind of people you want. See it in your mind before you see it in reality. The very first step is to hire a marketing admin who can help you drive revenue. This will change everything.

Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
A lot of people in this business find themselves depending on handouts while waiting, hoping and praying for leads, with no control or consistency. How can you attract quality buyer and seller leads without relying on realtors? Why must you shrink your audience if you want your Facebook ads to perform better? On this episode, Chris Reale shares how dialed-in ads and strategic, automated follow-up will help you get higher quality leads.
If you automate the follow up and trust that system, you alleviate a lot of headaches. -Chris Reale
- Why should you be diversifying your lead streams?
- How can you leverage technology to make branding easier?
- What are some common pitfalls to avoid when marketing on Facebook and other online sources?
- and much more!
At the start of the show, we talked about a huge problem people in the mortgage business face and the importance of diversifying your lead streams. We also discussed how to dial-in your ad copy, visuals and landing pages. Chris also talked about the necessity of strategic, automated follow up and how technology makes branding easier.
We also discussed:
- Why faulty targeting will tank your ad
- How the lack of adequate tracking affects your ad success
- Why speed to lead is key
- How to add value to Realtors
We’re in an age where technology is rapidly advancing, and if you don’t spend time learning this stuff right now, you’re going to go out of business eventually. Facebook offers many great opportunities for you to start generating your own leads without relying on the ones that come from realtors. It’s all about writing compelling copy, being visual, targeting the right people, and tracking. All of this will come together and help you convert eyeballs on Facebook into quality leads.