Learn what it REALLY takes to build a THRIVING mortgage business, doing what you LOVE, without relying on cold calling or annoying Realtors. Hosted by Doren Aldana, founder of MortgageMarketingCoach.com and several highly-acclaimed training programs, including the Client Acceleration Formula and the 7-Figure Lender Academy.

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
For many of us, the thought of an LO being in the driver’s seat is akin to the Loch Ness Monster: we hear about it, but we never see it for ourselves. Why is it that a mortgage pro holding the cookie seems so foreign to us?
Where have loan officers gone so wrong, and how can we start re-positioning ourselves, so Realtors give us the respect we deserve? Is it possible to do it WITHOUT reinventing the wheel?
In this episode, I’m diving into the 3 things that have made mortgage pros meek and weak- and how to flip the switch!
"When you don’t have the right dynamic in your relationship with Realtors, you will feel forced to answer calls every minute of the day." -Doren Aldana
- Why begging for business will only stunt our success
Are we chasing business, or are we attracting it?
- The importance of differentiation
Great rates and service are a GIVEN. What are we doing to offer Realtors unique, exclusive value?
- The risk of having a SCARCITY mindset
Are we bending over backward for Realtors because we’re scared to say no?

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Why Mortgage Pros Never Break the 10 Deals Per Month Barrier
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Very few mortgage pros do 10 deals a month, and even fewer do it consistently. What are the secrets of those who are getting it right, and where are the vast majority of us going so wrong?
How can we start thinking like industry top dogs, so 10 deals a month, EVERY month, becomebest-kept a given?
In this episode, I share the 3 biggest weaknesses holding mortgage pros back from greatness (and how to stop them from stopping us!)
"Even 1% doubt will take you out, so you have to show up every day with your beliefs in alignment with your dreams." -Doren Aldana
- How to stop letting weak marketing stunt your growth
What are the key clues that our marketing is all wrong?
- Why we need to kick stinkin' thinking for good
How can we start showing up feeling like the champions we are and quit cowering in the shadows of self-limitation?
- How to pick the right mentors
Is there a way to pinpoint those guaranteed to get us to our full potential?

Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Diversification is the best way to stay afloat in any market, so if we've been focused on REFIs exclusively until now, it's time to shift into the purchase market. However, to make the most of the purchase space, we have to approach it the right way. The question is, how do we do that?
What can we do to stand out to the best Realtors in the business, so we're not just getting any purchase deals, but the cream of the crop? More importantly, is it possible to do that without begging, pleading, and annoying everyone along the way?
In this episode, I'm sharing 3 ways to build a purchase business quickly and effectively, so we can reap the long-lasting benefits in no time at all.
"If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting, and that's unacceptable!" -Doren Aldana
- How to make the most of our networks
How can we tap into the GOLDMINES that are our networks? Is there a way to reach out to our existing spheres without coming across as annoying?
- How to turn one and done transactions into repeat and referral business
How can we continue to be the first (and only!) LO people think of when mortgage comes to mind?
- What it takes to get into the inner sanctum of top dog Realtors
How can we pick a more lucrative Realtor partner?

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
5 Reasons Why Relying on REFIs is BUSINESS SUICIDE (and What To Do Instead)
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Refis are a great add-on to our revenue streams, but thanks to the low rates we've seen over the past few years, too many LOs have based their entire business on just one activity.
What are mortgage pros risking by putting all their focus on a refi? Could a refi-based business be harming MORE than our professional lives? If relying on refi is such a bad idea, where should we be channeling our energies?
In this episode, I'm diving into the top 5 ways refi holds us back from bigger, more consistent results in our businesses and beyond.
"Set up your business so you have a military freight ship that allows you to weather ANY storm, at ANY time, in ANY economy." -Doren Aldana
- How to quit pinning all our hopes on 'good weather'
Refis are great when rates are low, but is it wise to hope for smooth sailing? How can we build a BARGE to withstand any storm, instead?
- What makes Refis less FUN
Sure, refis can make us money and save our clients a buck, but are they life-changing? Which aspect of the business can help us make a real impact?
- How Refis hold us back from a recession-proof business
How can we grow consistently in any market- and is it possible to keep having fun while doing it?

Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
As any LO will know, breaking into the business isn’t easy, and many of us have ended up in survival prison at some point along the way. The question is, how do we bust out of that and shift into freedom for GOOD?
How can we create a more stable income for ourselves, so we never have to wonder where our next deal is coming from again? How can we invest in ourselves to the point where we show up as champions every single day?
In this episode, Accutrust Mortgage Broker, James Petrick shares how he went from survival to “thrival” in only 2 months.
"Unprecedented results don't happen by accident, they happen by design." -Doren Aldana
- How to partner with our market’s top Realtors
The sad truth is, most Realtors already have their dream team of lenders. How can we break into the inner circles of our markets’ elite players and get a piece of the pie?
- How to overcome our fears of making bold investments in ourselves
How can we quit thinking in terms of what we’ll lose by pouring into ourselves with coaching, and start thinking about everything we have to GAIN?
- How to shift our focus to the activities that matter most
How can we stop getting sucked into low-income-producing activities, and where should we be putting our efforts instead?
James Petrick is a loan officer at Accutrust Mortgage, passionate about what he does. James enjoys nothing more than being of service to his clients and partners alike and lives by the idea that when you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.
To find out more, go to:

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
We tend to think it takes several years before we start making decent money in this business, which is why most newbies get chewed up and spat out before they ever get their business off the ground. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth!
How can we bypass the slow grind up the 20-story staircase and just press the "P" button on the elevator, so we can get straight to making PROSPERITY money right from the get go? What are the common barriers we’re most likely to deal with as a newbie, and how can we kick them down in advance?
In this episode, Main Street Home Loans Consultant, Brett Clark shares how he went from not even knowing the mortgage industry EXISTED, to consistently producing $3M+ month in volume in just 3 months.
"Pay attention to your mindset. You can have all the tools but without wanting to reach your goals, you won't." -Brett Clark
- How to make powerful connections with Top Realtors without calling
When nobody knows who we are or how much experience we have, how can we get them to trust us with their clients?
- How to take control of our brands, right out of the gate
Our companies are usually telling us to do the stuff that worked 20 years ago, but that stuff just doesn't work anymore! How can we take control of our careers and position ourselves on a trajectory of prosperity from day one?
- Why knowing our WHY is mission critical to our success
It's not enough just to "want more money" - that is rarely enough to drive us to success. How can you find your PURPOSE that will propel to rise above the ground and accomplish the EXTRAORDINARY?
Guest Bio -
Brett Clark is a home loans consultant at Main Street Home Loans. A US Army Veteran, Brett got into the mortgage industry after completing his MBA in early 2021- and despite not even knowing the industry existed until recently, his drive, passion, and perseverance have all culminated in his unbelievable success. Brett is passionate about serving his clients and partners at the highest level, so he can make a bigger impact on more people.
To find out more, visit:

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Great rates and service aren’t a value proposition, they’re the bare minimum! How can we take our strategies a step further and offer our partners more than the average Joe?
How can we zig while everyone else zags, so we can provide the kind of out-of-this-world service that gets Realtors hot for what we’ve got?
In this episode, I share 5 add-on services GUARANTEED to get agents lining up at our doors.
"Bring real unique value no one else is offering and help your partners take their value to the next level." -Doren Aldana
- Why getting pre-approved buyers will always stand us in good stead
Why sit around watching agents leave money on the table when we could speed up the process from the start?
- How to find motivated sellers
What wicked effective systems can help us seal the deal with motivated sellers in today’s market?
- How to set up more repeat and referral business for our partners
What if we were able to help our partners get an extra deal or 2 EVERY month, just by having a more sophisticated marketing system?

Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
The path to prosperity isn’t a tough one to walk if we know which steps to take. The only problem is, most people don’t know what those steps are.
What does a foolproof journey to success look like, and what can we do to emulate it, starting TODAY? Is it possible to fast-track the process without putting in a ton of extra time, energy, and effort?
I’m sharing the 5 best-kept secrets of success in this episode, GUARANTEED to take mortgage pros to the next level.
"Don’t do the minutiae of the building of your business: be the architect." -Doren Aldana
- Why it’s VITAL to celebrate prosperity in advance
Can we really expect to live lives of abundance when all our energy is centered on lack and despair?
- How to get better at creating value in our absence
How can we quit getting muddled up in minutiae and get on the path to sipping Mai Tais while making money?
- The truth about paying ourselves first
Sure, it’s important to pay ourselves first financially, but how can we pour more into ourselves ENERGETICALLY?

Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Success is an easy enough concept on paper: it's the one thing we all want. However, when it comes to making it a reality, it's not always clear-cut. What is it that makes mortgage pros so great at overcomplicating their approach?
How can we simplify our strategies so we can make our dreams a reality without adding unnecessary steps to the mix? Could cutting out the complexity actually improve our results?
In this episode, I share how elegant simplicity can get us working less, making more, and having a whole lot of fun along the way.
"Come back to the fundamentals that will get you to your income goals faster and easier." -Doren Aldana
- Why buying leads is a bad idea
Why waste a ton of time and money sifting through gravel, looking for diamonds?
- Why internet leads should only ever be an add-on
Does putting all our focus on smaller prizes really sound like a good idea?
- How saving a buck trying to DIY comes at a price
Getting it right ain't an easy code to crack, so why take the risk of getting it wrong and adding another hurdle to the mix?

Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Every prudent mortgage professional knows that we’re on the brink of a market shift. As the seller’s market shifts into a buyer’s market, you want to position yourself ahead of the storm.
You have to build a stable of top-producing VIP Realtor partners who see you as irreplaceable and indispensable. But how do we do this without begging, chasing, or cold calling? How can we breeze past the brush-offs, and escape being the last-resort LO who gets all the crappy deals?
In this episode, I share a new training that will help you attract top-producing Realtor partners, and why it’s the most powerful tool you can possess in today’s market.
"In this rising interest rate environment, you have to be proactive and preemptive. You don’t want to be wishing you had built your purchase business, you want to be glad you did." -Doren Aldana
- How to attract agents by solving current market pain points
Realtors want pre-approved buyers and motivated sellers. How can we solve this problem using cutting-edge technology, and put ourselves head and shoulders above the competition?
- The most valuable thing we can provide to Realtors
A solid marketing strategy is a mission-critical must but many agents don’t have it. How does the Unfair Advantage system provide a stack of awesome they can’t get anywhere else?
- How to put yourself in a power position with top-producing agents
If you’re sick and tired of chasing Realtors, you have to attract them with an irresistible value proposition. How do we create the ultimate bait that puts us in the power position?