Learn what it REALLY takes to build a THRIVING mortgage business, doing what you LOVE, without relying on cold calling or annoying Realtors. Hosted by Doren Aldana, founder of MortgageMarketingCoach.com and several highly-acclaimed training programs, including the Client Acceleration Formula and the 7-Figure Lender Academy.

Thursday Mar 07, 2019
How Kellie Czarny Went from $1M to $2M per Month in Just 3 Months!
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
We can learn a lot from successful people in our industry. What are they doing that other people aren’t? Are their approaches completely unique, or can minor shifts help us get to their level? On this episode, I talk with senior mortgage advisor at Fidelity Funding Mortgage Corporation, Kellie Czarny. Kellie recently took her company’s monthly earnings from an inconsistent $1 million per month to a more regular $2 million, and she’s here to tell us how she did it—and how you can, too!
If you don’t get started now, you’re not going to do it. -Kellie Czarny
- Your mindset matters. You need to alter your mindset and the way you think about your business to see amazing results.
- Pay attention to who you’re working with. Those who aren’t helping you get more business need to be cut out, or at the very least, you shouldn’t bend over backwards for them.
- Consider your time management abilities. You need to be able to get everything done as soon as possible, so when life gets in the way you’re not overwhelmed.
At the start of the episode, Kellie mentioned that before joining our program, she felt she wasn’t seeing her effort level and results matching up. By changing her approach and her mindset, she turned her earlier predicament on its head!
We also discussed:
- Why you need systems in place
- The importance of visualization
- That to see results, you have to believe you can achieve them
Guest Bio
Kellie Czarny is the senior mortgage advisor at Fidelity Funding Mortgage Corporation. In her current position, she’s taken her business to amazing levels, and she shows no signs of stopping. In addition to being a mortgage professional, Kellie is also a professional racing car driver, and has competed at a national level. Her approach to business has largely been shaped by her approach on the track: visualizing herself at the finish line, she’s taken her team all the way to the top.

Friday Feb 15, 2019
7 Barriers to Breakthroughs that Will Hold You Back
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Most of the barriers to our success lie in our own mindsets. What thoughts and beliefs hold us back? How can we change them? On this episode, I outline the seven most problematic assumptions we allow ourselves to believe and why they harm our business. The great thing is, just as your mindset has stopped you from achieving in the past, changing the way you think can bring you immeasurable success going forward.
Think: 'What if it does work?' That's how a champion thinks. -Doren Aldana
- Stop thinking in terms of what you don’t have: saying you have limited time and money holds you back from finding ways to solve those issues.
- Don't assume you have to add to your workload to be successful.
- Being comfortable now will result in lack of comfort when you're older. Be proactive and understand that you need to put in hard work now to reap the rewards later.
At the start of the episode, I emphasize that each of the seven barriers to your success exist only in your mind. I then start breaking down the ways you can get around each of those self-imposed limitations.
I also look at:
- Why indecision is your worst enemy
- How your workload doesn’t necessarily need to increase
- Why you need to stop thinking about what could go wrong and start thinking about what could go right
At some point, we’ve all been told running a business is a bad idea because you don’t have enough time or money. The reason all of us can agree on having heard that is because we live in a culture that promotes myths. While there are always risks, the fear of failure should never stop you from pursuing your dreams.
If we pay attention to all the reasons it won’t work, we’re really spending the energy on worrying that we could have used to just get started. Change your mindset and stop placing limitations on your abilities. You’re only as successful as you allow yourself to be.

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
How to Go from Zero to $92M in Just 3 Years w/ Chris Paliska
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Entering the mortgage industry without prior experience can be an intimidating process. Where does one even begin to start looking for clients and partnerships? What are the steps you definitely don’t want to skip while building your business? On this episode, I talk with Chris Paliska about how he came into the industry with no experience and went from zero to $92M in annual funded volume in just 3 years!
Believe you’re capable of achieving your goals. Very seldom in life will you achieve that which you do not believe you can. -Doren Aldana
- Be strategic with the Realtors you approach. Narrow it down and make sure you’re speaking to the people you want to work with.
- When you organize your first meeting with a Realtor, spend more time listening than speaking. Know exactly what they’re looking for before delivering your proposition.
- Customize your value proposition to the prospective client’s needs. This way, you’re not recycling a proposition that doesn’t serve their company.
At the beginning of the episode, I asked Chris for advice to newcomers in the industry. He outlined the importance of tailoring your value proposition to Realtor’s needs. We then began talking about database marketing and the best way to approach this integral part of your business.
We also discussed:
- Why you need to find your ‘why’ in order to meet your goals
- The importance of scheduling to keep yourself accountable
- That you have to give yourself the benefit of the doubt and believe you can achieve your goals
You don’t need to have years of experience to become a top producer in the mortgage industry. On the contrary, working strategically in the short-term can take you to the top of the ladder. Ensure you know what your motivating force is, then work to provide specific services to the top producing agents in your target market. Most of all, you need to believe you can do it: you are the only one who can limit your success.
Guest Bio
Chris Paliska is an excellent example of someone who managed to make it to the top of the mortgage industry without years of experience. After working as a valet at an upscale restaurant, Chris met the man who would become his employer and help him take his career to the next level. After putting in hard work and applying the coaching he received from Art of Mortgage Marketing host, Doren Aldana, Chris has managed to become one of the top 5 loan officers at New American Funding.
To find out more about Chris Paliska, head to:
And for New American Funding, check out:

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
How to Stop Being at the Mercy of Your Realtors and Take CONTROL of Your Pipeline
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
For many mortgage pros, the relationship they share with Realtors is one of complete dependence. This gets complicated when the Realtor doesn’t have the same level of motivation as the lender. How can you stop being reliant on under-ambitious Realtors and start attracting the top dogs whose motivation matches yours? Is there a way for you to stop using all your energy making appointments with bottom-feeding agents? On this episode, I outline the steps you can take to get the results you deserve.
Build a tribe of superstars. You’ll not only have a lot more fun, but also a lot more funds.- Doren Aldana
- Working harder is not always the answer. If you’ve been putting in the hard yards and you’re still not seeing results, you need to rethink your strategy.
- Aim to gain motivated, top producers as your partners. There is no use working with people if your ambition dwarfs theirs.
- Focus on what makes you unique and valuable. The best way to partner with top producers is by making them realize you’re not only the best choice, but the only choice.
On this episode, I share the story of a client whose hard work was not paying off. It turns out, nothing was working because she wasn’t proving she was indispensable. As I point out, highlighting your unique capabilities is crucial if you want to get ahead.
I also covered:
- The necessity for building relationships with your partners.
- Why you have to bring value in multiple areas.
- Why it’s more effective to have deep connections with a smaller group of top producers than weak connections with a wide database.
Traditionally, mortgage professionals have been taught that the best way forward is by making cold calls and setting up appointments with as many Realtors as possible. The problem is that you’re likely to spend more of your time, only to end up making weak connections with under-ambitious agents that don’t guarantee any loyalty. Why jump through extra hoops when modern technology provides an alternative? You can start establishing better relationships with top producers and begin to see better results. Identify what makes you uniquely valuable, and you’re already a step in the right direction.

Thursday Jan 10, 2019
How to Overcome Call Reluctance
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
For many mortgage pros, the idea of calling prospective clients or Realtors is filled with anxiety and general reluctance. Why is this the case? What’s causing your hesitation to pick up the phone and ask a Realtor to meet with you? You know you’re the person for the job, so what’s stopping you? It’s time to flip the switch on this. Let’s find out how you can stop avoiding calls and start seeing breakthrough results.
The single biggest reason why you have call reluctance is because you’re lacking compelling, unique value to inspire a conversation. -Doren Aldana
- Go into calls knowing your worth. You need to be compelling and unique to attract attention. This is something to remember when looking at your strategy and your selling points.
- When pitching to prospective clients, avoid overtly ‘selling’ to the person you’re speaking to. Approach the calls as conversations rather than strictly business.
- Find systems that make attracting clients easier. This is working smarter, and it’s important to remember that in business, you want to find the easiest way to make the most money.
On this episode, I start with an example of cold calls being intentionally avoided. The reason for these calls being avoided was the irritation they caused for the prospective client. After identifying what caused the irritation for the person on the phone, I go into four areas you should focus on to avoid being sidestepped.
I also covered:
- Why it’s important to do more than merely pitch your services and discuss your experience.
- That you need to find what makes you unique to excite potential clients.
- The necessity to look at the core cause of your call reluctance- you’re probably working harder than you need to.
You already know calling Realtors is important for your business, but it doesn’t have to be something that makes you uncomfortable. With a few tweaks to your game plan, you can go from being the phone call that realtors avoid to being a valued conversation partner. Once you do that, success is imminent. Become the mortgage professional Realtors want to refer.

Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Why Realtors Don't Make You Their Exclusive Lender (And How To Fix It)
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
It’s frustrating to be in meeting after meeting with real estate agents without seeing any results. What could you be doing wrong? More importantly, what do you need to do right in order to attract the right partners? On this episode, I explain how to attract top-producing Realtor partners who make you their exclusive lender (while working on YOUR terms, not theirs), without begging, chasing or bribing.
Become that which you are trying to attract - Doren Aldana
- Know what you want to attract and refuse to accept anything less. By the same token, remember that you’ll need to embody the same values you aim to attract.
- To establish business partnerships with real estate agents, it’s important to establish personal relationships with them as well.
- For potential partners to value you, you have to demonstrate that you value yourself.
At the start of the show, I talked about the frustration of trying to get an exclusive lender agreement and what we need to bring to the table in order to win agents over. I talked about the importance of not settling for less, and the power of approaching business relationships the same as personal ones. I also talked about the difference between wanting success, and actually working for it.
I also shared:
- The importance of knowing what you want
- Why you need to always deliver on your promise
- One way to ensure your success
Identify what you want and know that you’re capable of achieving it. Just be sure to keep putting in the "hard yards". Once you can identify your goals, it becomes easier to shut down any offers that deviate from the path to realizing your dreams.

Friday Dec 14, 2018
Why Being "Realistic" and "Reasonable" is Death Rattle to Success
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Friday Dec 14, 2018
We’ve been programmed to believe that it’s foolish to believe in our biggest dreams, and that we should instead be realistic and reasonable. How does this get in the way of us actually doing what we were put on this earth to do? When people are realistic and reasonable, how does this manifest in their behavior, choices, and actions? How do the most successful and inspiring people respond to the pressure to be realistic? On this episode, I talk about why we need to break the paradigm of being realistic and reasonable if we want to achieve our Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals, and how to make the necessary shifts in perspective.
I can have it exactly the way I want it if I don’t settle. That is the champion’s mantra. -Doren Aldana
- Our loved ones tell us to be realistic because they don’t want us to get disappointed when we try to reach for higher ground. They’ve experienced disappointment themselves and project what happened to them onto us.
- Being reasonable reinforces our lack, scarcity and inadequacy and powerlessness.
- When we believe that we have to be realistic, we allow ourselves to be the effect and not the cause of everything that happens to us.
At the start of the show, I talked about where the idea of being realistic and reasonable comes from and why it’s something we have to get away from if we want to succeed. Next I talked about the inspirational people who proved to us that the true path to success starts when we choose to do the unprecedented, the unreasonable and the unrealistic. I also discussed the true path mediocrity.
I also discussed;
- How to go after our goals without holding back
- How to shift our perspectives
- The danger of having a herd mentality
The truth about successful and inspirational people is that they brought unreasonable faith, effort, excellence and drive in order to achieve what they did. The true path to unstoppable and incredible success is being unreasonable and unrealistic, and going against what the herd says.

Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
How Indecision Kills Your Success (And How To Fix It!)
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Many people falsely believe that taking a long time with decisions, deliberating, and trying to be risk averse is going make them more successful. Why does indecision do massive and catastrophic damage to our goals and dreams? What is the law of diminishing intent, and how do we fight it? What does it take to become powerfully decisive? On this episode, I talk about how to beat the beast of indecision and get closer to the life of our dreams.
Indecision is a decision to prolong the problem and to allow it to persist. -Doren Aldana
- When we soften the problem, we stay stuck in a rut of stagnation and regression.
- Your income, relationships, and results are the effect of you and the action you do or don’t take.
- You have to make an intention and get into action before the procrastination and delay set in.
At the start of the show, I talked about how taking time to make decisions and being risk averse can actually slow down or stop our growth completely. I talked about the opportunities we are given each day to follow through on the discipline that will lead to our desired results. I discussed why it’s so important for us to build our decision making muscle. I also talked about the law of diminishing intent and how we can starve it of its power.
I also discussed:
- Delusional optimism and how it trips us up
- How indecision derails us from taking proactive action
- Our responsibility in the outcomes we get in our lives
Indecision will kill our success, momentum, leadership, and ability to create breakthrough results. To solve it, we have to feel the pain of a problem enough to take an action and stop using softeners to create a false sense of safety. We have to strike when the iron of motivation and inspiration is hot because that’s the moment it is most malleable to our dreams.
If we leave it too long, the iron cools and we become victims of the law of diminished intent and it becomes easier to make excuses, procrastinate, and spend another day eating the bread of mediocrity.

Thursday Nov 15, 2018
The Difference Between Being Interested vs. Committed to Success
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
We all envy the people who seem to have an unlimited amount of motivation— the people who are successful both in business and in their personal lives. What makes some people so good at sticking with their goals? What’s the difference between being interested in changing our lives vs. committing to the change? And what are some of the ways we can push ourselves outside of our comfort zone? In this episode, I talk about how taking the first step towards massive success starts with making a big commitment.
The interested always find an excuse. The committed always find a way. -Doren Aldana
- The difference between being interested and being committed to success is dedication. When we’re committed, we do what it takes every single day— even when times get rough.
- Softening the problem is a slippery slope to mediocrity. When we tell ourselves that those extra pounds are just our big bones, or when we diminish our problems, we avoid being committed to solving them.
- Daily routines make or break our success. If we don’t invest our time in our personal growth, we can’t achieve our goals. Every day of our life needs to be planned ahead of time.
At the beginning of the episode, I talked about the difference between being interested in something and being committed to something. Next, I explained how easy, yet dangerous, it is for us to soften our problems and make them seem smaller than they really are.
I also covered:
- Why we need to invest in our personal development to grow professionally
- The price we pay for success and how to avoid a lifetime of regrets
- How mentors can help us find shortcuts to success
The best way to find out whether we’re committed or just interested in achieving success is to ask ourselves if we’re willing to step outside of our comfort zone. Because commitment changes our priorities and the way we look at what happens around us, it makes us work hard regardless of our situation. When we’re just interested, we aren’t motivated enough to feel uncomfortable or make sacrifices to achieve our dreams.

Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
No tactic can save us from living paycheck to paycheck if our mindset doesn’t change. The way we think is the root cause of our behavior -- and ultimately, our results. What is the definition of our emotional home? How do our emotions and mindset impact our work and personal routine? Why do we need to learn to be HAPPY NOW, even when what happens around us isn’t ideal? In this episode, I talk about the mindset of top achievers and how you can change the way you think to create an extraordinary life -- built by design -- filled with passion, purpose and prosperity.
The achievers don’t achieve to be happy. They find a way to happily achieve. -Doren Aldana
- Our emotional home is where we are emotionally most of the time. It’s how we wake up every day— either being excited that it’s a new day, or dreading our work. This attitude impacts the way we perform as business owners.
- The way we see ourselves depends on our perspective. If we need external factors to make us happy all the time, we’re always in danger of losing our happiness.
- If we want to improve the quality of our life, we need to improve the quality of the information we consume as well as our environment.
At the beginning of the episode, I explained what our emotional home is and how it impacts our willingness to work hard and get results. Next, I covered why we shouldn’t rely only on external factors to be happy, and how we can achieve emotional freedom from life’s challenges and obstacles.
I also covered:
- Why living in a comfort zone prevents many people from reaching greatness
- Why building a business is all about problem-solving and how we can get better at solving problems instead of running away from them
- How we can stop feeding our mind with negative thoughts
Success starts with our mindset; with how we see life and ourselves in it. We can’t progress if we don’t have the mental power to look forward to life’s challenges. We can’t solve problems if we avoid them at all costs. There are two ways we can look at life. We can choose to be happy only when good things happen, which means we’re always dependent on what occurs around us, or we can make the decision to happy with ourselves regardless of everything else. We must accept the fact that in order to take control of our lives, we have to stop fearing and running away from challenges. As entrepreneurs, we’re problem-solvers, and that means we address problems head-on.