Learn what it REALLY takes to build a THRIVING mortgage business, doing what you LOVE, without relying on cold calling or annoying Realtors. Hosted by Doren Aldana, founder of MortgageMarketingCoach.com and several highly-acclaimed training programs, including the Client Acceleration Formula and the 7-Figure Lender Academy.

Thursday Nov 21, 2019
5 Steps for Attracting Top Producing Realtors as Exclusive Partners (Webinar)
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Many LOs feel like they aren’t getting anywhere or achieving anything when it comes to working with the best Realtors, and it’s because of repeating the same outdated and lack-luster methods. In order for us to overcome this, what are the 5 shifts that need to align in our businesses if we want to start attracting the top dogs? What are the things we need to stop doing immediately if we want our businesses to do better? In this webinar, we talk about the worst strategies for recruiting Realtor partners and what we can do instead, as well as a rejection-free equation for getting business.
The idea is to stop being a “Joe Schmoe” LO offering great rates and service, and start adding unique value that no other mortgage professional is offering. -Doren Aldana
- Everyone is clamoring for the same real estate agents, so the competition has increased immensely. Rates and good service aren’t enough to differentiate us anymore.
- Stop cold calling the same people over and over with the hope that you’ll wear them down. Instead, use automation to get people pre-sold in advance.
- Diagnose first; prescribe second. Ask questions, discover their pain points and then come up with a solution.
At the start of the show, I talked about the importance of becoming more like the people we want to attract to work with us, how to determine the right bait to bring Realtor partners in, and how we can bring value to them. We also discussed the difference between prospecting and positioning.
We also discussed:
- LOs who completely changed their businesses
- Why cold calling doesn’t cut it anymore
- The value of mentoring

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
The Risk of Not Taking Risks
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
All of us want to live more effective lives, but when it comes to doing what we need to do in order to achieve greater success, we often find ourselves shrinking back into fear. Does avoiding risk have any benefits, or are we shooting ourselves in the foot by playing it safe? How can taking risks help us progress, and why is it so important for us to tackle our fears head on? On this episode, we learn why the biggest risk we can take is not risking anything at all.
The biggest risk of playing it safe is regression of advancement.
-Doren Aldana
- With no risk, there can be no reward. Everything worth having comes at a price - whether it be relationships or business. We have to stop letting fear hold us back.
- Taking risks is vital for moving forward. If we don’t take risks, we’re stagnating. In other words, by not progressing, we’re allowing ourselves to rot.
- The reason we’re hesitant to take risks is exactly why we need to take them. If we feel inadequate, it’s because we’re not nurturing ourselves. The quickest solution is to take care of ourselves.
At the start of the episode, we learnt that as human beings, we’re more prone to protecting ourselves than actively looking for more. We heard that, while a survival instinct, defense will not help us move forward, and that in fact, only defending ourselves without taking any risks puts us in danger of stagnation.
We also learnt:
- The importance of investing in ourselves strategically
- Why we need to focus on what we want more than what we’re afraid of
- Why taking fewer risks will lead to more regrets in the long term

Monday Nov 04, 2019
The Cost of Delaying on Your Dream (Doing It The Hard Way)
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
When we don’t equip ourselves to win and succeed, we miss out on so many great things we could have in our lives and businesses. If we aren’t employing the right tools to mine our databases, attract agents, leverage technology, and build good systems, we will delay our own progress and success. Why is it important for us to stop blaming the results we get on our circumstances? What do we stand to lose when we aren’t showing up for success with the right mindset, attitudes and actions? On this episode, we talk about why doing things the long and hard way will make us lose key results, and what we can do instead to get the results we want in our businesses.
Opportunity is not lost, it just goes to those that are committed and aligned with victory.
-Doren Aldana
- The biggest costs of being ill-equipped to go after our dreams are lost revenue, time, opportunity, impact, adventure and legacy.
- Your circumstances are a reflection of our thoughts, feelings, habits and behaviors. We are the common denominator of every result we get.
- If we don’t have a solid plan for our mortgage businesses, it can cost us up to $15k a month in lost revenue.
At the start of the show, we talked about how we can connect with the most powerful versions of ourselves, and why we should view challenging circumstances as setups and not setbacks. We also discussed how to avoid losing out on great business and financial opportunities.
We also touched on:
- How to surrender to our purpose without surrendering to our circumstances
- The importance of avoiding softening self-talk

Thursday Oct 24, 2019
3 Limiting Beliefs (You Think Are True) That Kill Your Success
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Many of us believe that what gets in the way of our success are the circumstances and external limitations in our lives, whether it’s a lack of opportunity or the real estate market. The truth is, very often, we’re held back by our own untrue thoughts, ideas and beliefs about what we’re capable of, and what it takes to become successful. What are some of the beliefs that limit our ability to manifest our dreams? How do they stop us from being effective and productive? On this episode, I share on the erroneous limiting beliefs that hold us back, and how to make a bold, intelligent, and strategic investment in our breakthroughs.
The most precious and valuable reward for success isn’t what you get, it’s who you become.
- Doren Aldana
- Everything we have right now is a result of our current comfort zone. It’s impossible for us to go beyond that if we don’t get out of our comfort zones and stretch ourselves.
- Before we do the activities that will make us successful, we have to become people who can attract that success. We do this through things that feed our minds and souls, like prayer, meditation, studying, visualizing and affirming.
- Attracting top Realtors is not hard, but if we believe it is, we will struggle. If we have a formula and the right mindset, we can attract agents pretty easily.
- The metaphysical realm is the source of our power to create and manifest the lives we want.
At the start of the show, I talked about how having the wrong foundational thoughts about ourselves and ability to succeed set us up for failure. Next, I talked about why greater levels of success never take place in our comfort zones, and why it’s non-negotiable to work on ourselves before our businesses. Towards the end, I shared on the danger of thinking that top producing agents don’t want to work with us.
I also shared;
- Why we have to think and operate differently if we want to level up
- How reinforcing the status quo kills our growth
- The importance of owning our victory in advance
Success doesn’t happen by accident, it happens by design, through mindset and taking the right action. One of the most important things we need to do in our path to success is get rid of the mental and emotional stumbling blocks that trip us up. These beliefs will take away our power, productivity, peace and profits, so we need to replace them with a belief system that builds us up. Once we lock in the correct mindset, the actions become easy, and the massive effort we inject into our goals will pay off in a huge way.

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Why Realtors Hate Average Joe LOs (And How to Flip the Script)
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
A lot of loan officers dread reaching out to Realtors because they’re under the impression that Realtors instinctively hate dealing with them. How can we stop acting like the average loan officer Realtors abhor, and start flipping the script? Should we be less selective or is being too inclusive harming our chances? In this episode, we discuss how to stand out from the pack of average loan officers
Strive to come across as a welcome guest, rather than an annoying pest.
- Doren Aldana
- Stop being a loan leech. Realtors can tell when we’re approaching them looking for business without anything to offer in return. Make sure Realtors know we’re coming to give, not just get.
- Offer value by showing Realtors how they can make more money. If we show Realtors how they can get more business, they’ll see us as valuable.
- Make Realtors feel special by offering them exclusive benefits for working with you. By being more exclusive, we boost our profile and instantly become more attractive.
In this episode, we discussed why it’s so important to set ourselves apart from the rest of the loan officers in our markets. We explained why we need to offer exciting, unique value to Realtors, so they know we’re their only option if they want to be successful.
We also discussed:
- Why we should be positioners, not prospectors
- How confidence makes all the difference
- The importance of behaving like a winner
Reaching out to Realtors doesn’t need to be anxiety-inducing, as long as we know we hold their key to success. To do this, we have to stop acting like the average loan officer: a leech who wants to get more than give. If we can show Realtors how to make more money in less time, we position ourselves as winners in their eyes. We also show them that we are willing to offer the Realtors that work with us outstanding benefits. No one likes being around the average Joe LO, so let’s start separating ourselves from the pack.

Thursday Oct 10, 2019
5 Reasons Why Buying Leads is Stupid (And What To Do Instead)
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Buying leads has become extremely popular with loan officers who think they’re saving time, but in reality, they’re actually doing it the hard way. Why is buying leads a bad idea? Could they be doing more harm than good? In this episode, we discuss why buying leads is a bad investment of our time and money, and could end up damaging our positioning within the industry.
- Avoid wasting money paying for the same leads as competitors. Bought leads are not necessarily exclusive, so they’re definitely an unwise investment.
- By spending our time chasing bought leads, we miss out on opportunities elsewhere. Don’t waste time on leads that may not even convert at all.
- By buying leads who are probably being pursued by our competitors, we fail to set ourselves apart. If we approach them at the same time as everyone else, we risk competing on cost alone.
At the start of the episode, we learned that most bought leads are poor quality and not exclusive. We discussed that bought leads are a poor allocation of our money, and spoke about why it’s important to upgrade our thinking and stop doing it the hard way.
We also discussed:
- Why we should be hiring an expert to find leads for us
- The importance of a third party endorsement
- Why we should aim to be authorities, rather than prospectors
We may think that buying leads will save us time, but they actually do little to help us and our businesses. They are a poor investment of both our time and money, and stop us from showing potential clients what makes us unique. Buying leads is a poor choice, and one we need to stop making soon.

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
3 Traits of Top Producers (That Separate Them from the Mediocre Majority)
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
The vast majority of loan officers are earning under $75 000 per year, while the top earners are earning upwards of $500,000 annually. What is it that separates the top earners from this mediocre majority? Do they have a secret recipe that the rest of us don’t know about? On this episode, we’re discussing the traits shown by top producers.
- Commitment and decisiveness are vital traits. We need to go all-in on achieving our goals, and refuse to entertain back-up plans or option B’s. Top producers don’t even consider failure an option.
- Top producers don’t automatically have a secret recipe; they learn it from other high achievers. To be successful, we need to be willing to learn from others and leave our egos at the door.
- We have to be resourceful to win. That means finding a way to achieve, no matter the circumstance.
At the start of the episode, we spoke about the vast difference in income between top producers and the mediocre majority. We discussed the importance of mindset in cultivating success, and learnt that being a top producer doesn’t mean sacrificing more. In fact, if we believe that sacrifice is needed for success, we’re only holding ourselves back.
We also discussed:
- Why staying true to our values is necessary
- How we need to accept that success doesn’t always come easily
- How to view big obstacles as a prelude to big successes
The massive disparities in income between the average, mediocre loan officer and top producers all come down to mindset. Top producers are in the 1% of loan officers because they’re unwilling to compromise on their dreams. However, no one has all the answers right at the start. If we want to get ahead in the mortgage business, we need to be willing to listen to those who have achieved our goals. We can separate ourselves from the mediocre majority, but we have to be willing to find a way to win regardless of our circumstances.

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Why LOs Resist Recruiting Realtors (And How to Fix it) w/Peter Fickeisen
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Something most loan officers seem to struggle with is a resistance to recruiting Realtors. What keeps holding us back? How can we overcome our call reluctance and get rid of the almost universal mind block? On this episode, mortgage industry legend and coach, Peter Fickeisen shares why LOs resist recruiting Realtors- and how to overcome our reluctance.
- Most loan officers avoid recruiting Realtors because we’re scared to get out of our comfort zone. To become more comfortable around others, we need to be more comfortable with ourselves.
- For more successful interactions with Realtors, we need to know what we’re going to say to them. Write a list of points to speak about and guide an effective conversation.
- Build relationships with Realtors by organizing appointments and reminding them of your purpose. Don’t arrive at their offices unannounced, and don’t waste time.
At the start of the episode, coach Peter Fickeisen shared the top 3 things holding loan officers back from reaching out to Realtors. He then explained what we can do to combat the issues, and reminded us of the importance of our mindset.
We also discussed:
- How to start the day with confidence
- What value we can offer Realtors
- The importance of working with people whose personalities suit our own
Call reluctance is something that affects most loan officers, but it can be easily combated. We need to focus on our mindsets and build our confidence to overcome anxieties over leaving our comfort zone. We can also overcome our anxieties by becoming more prepared. Calling Realtors doesn’t need to be a source of distress- we just need to stop overthinking the process.
Guest Bio
Peter Fickeisen is the Director of Business Development at Luxury Mortgage Corp. With over a decade of experience in mortgage banking, Peter has originated over $1 billion in home loans. He is passionate about creating and maintaining great relationships with clients and partners alike, and is known as a shining star in the industry.
To find out more about Peter, visit: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterfickeisen
And for more on Luxury Mortgage Corp., see www.luxurymortgage.com

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
We all want to go further in business, but sometimes we spend too much time focusing on small issues and not enough on the bigger picture. How can we increase our production and productivity, without sacrificing our personal lives? Where do so many coaching programs get it wrong? On this episode, branch manager at Integrity Mortgage Group, Samuel Borthwick shares how we went from $11k a month to over $87k a month- without sacrificing his role as a husband and father.
- Don’t bully yourself into thinking it’s impossible to be a successful mortgage professional with a healthy personal life. It is possible- and within reach!
- Know the motivation for success. While we want to make more money, most of the time our drive is based on a desire to do more for our families.
- Be wary of coaching programs that teach us to work harder and longer- it’s not necessary.
At the start of the episode, Samuel explained the moment he realized he could achieve more. He then shared the process he went through in order to get to where he is now- from bad coaching programs that taught him to work harder, to a more sustainable approach. Samuel mentioned that while he’s in a better place now, he’s still motivated to keep learning and moving forward every single day.
We also covered:
- The importance of perspective.
- How ‘smile and dial’ tactics not only drain you, but push prospective clients away.
- How to move from a mindset of ‘have to’, to one of ‘get to’
Many coaching programs get it wrong by suggesting we need to work harder and sacrifice more of our time in order to reach our goals. The reality is, we have the ability to maximize our production without giving up any of life’s more important moments. Once we understand what’s motivating us, we have a better chance of working with the bigger picture in mind.
Guest Bio
Samuel Borthwick is the branch manager at Integrity Mortgage Group. After joining the Mortgage Marketing Coach in October 2018, Samuel has seen tremendous success in both business and in life. Samuel is a dedicated husband and father, and relishes any opportunity to spend more time with his family.
To find out more about Samuel, head to https://www.facebook.com/waloanexperts.com

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
So many mortgage coaches promise single solutions that supposedly guarantee success. Are any of these singular options capable of creating longevity in the mortgage industry? If one-trick pony solutions aren’t a good idea, what should we be doing instead? On this episode, I share how we can build recession-proof businesses by diversifying our strategies.
- Abandon the idea of a ‘magic pill’ that can transform your business. There is no single solution for long-lasting success.
- Diversify your tactics so you don’t need to rely on only one strategy. The more back-up plans we have, the more we safeguard ourselves from any potential turbulence.
- Take a multimedia approach to marketing campaigns. Use video, social media, direct mail and emails to ensure you touch base with your entire database and leave as little money on the table as possible.
At the start of the episode, I explained why we need to stop searching for single solutions to create recession-proof businesses. I mentioned how issues beyond our control have the ability to impact our businesses. The episode ended with a suggestion of how to offer amazing value to clients that separates us from the herd and puts us in the lead.
We also discussed:
- Why we need to stop relying on strategies that worked a decade ago
- The importance of having a clearly defined strategy
- Why it’s vital to be proactive
In a world where everything is made easier and faster by technology, it’s natural for us to want quick, easy solutions to success. However, the reality is that for longevity, we need to have multi-pillared approaches to business. The great thing is, a diversified approach doesn’t automatically mean a more difficult route- on the contrary, if we build multimedia, multi-pronged businesses today, we proactively protect ourselves against recessions in the future.